This is my Journey
My Journey..... For the last 12 years I have dedicated my life to the study and mastery of the mind, body and life itself. I've spent over 8 years working with 1,000's of individuals on enhancing the quality of their lives and how to design their lives with intention. I have combined that experience, education and knowledge with my passion of helping others awaken, forge towards their mission and in the process empower them to start living life to the max with intention! But lets go back to the very beginning... Wow. What a journey it has been, but it’s certainly not over. I can tell you that I wasn’t always the person I am today nor did I have the mindset I do today. I literally was the complete opposite of who I am today. Let me take you inside my own Break Free Journey. I was a small town kid. I grew up on a dairy Trade, went off to college in the north central Nigeria, I accepted my ...